Friday, February 23, 2007


Back to work

I'm glad to be back building after a long layoff. I spent from the time I got home from work until a few minutes ago (around midnight) working on #3. I removed all the strings and hardware, and got it ready to start staining. That involved several hours of sanding, wiping down with a damp cloth to check, and then more sanding. I stopped at 600 grit sandpaper. I then masked the fretboard to keep from getting stain on it. I decided to try masking the body binding, and it went really well. The common technique is to just stain over the binding, and spend many many hours scraping the stain off the binding when it dries. I spent probably 10 hours just scraping binding on my first mandolin. Even though there will still be some scraping, I was able to cover 90% of it with masking tape, so I know that will save me time. Tomorrow I will mix up the base coat and stain the entire instrument. I want to get a prettier amber than I did with my first mandolin, it was a little too yellow for me. Enough for tonight. Here's a pic of the fretboard masked, and the body binding masked.

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